Tag: Richard Thaler

Behavioral Econs 101: The endowment effect and loss aversion Part 1 – Prospect Theory

Behavioral Econs 101: The endowment effect and loss aversion Part 1 – Prospect Theory

In this third installment of our Behavioral Econs 101 series(for parts 1 and 2, see here, and here) we finally turn to a discussion of the endowment effect. Why do losses feel so much more painful than an equivalent gain feels good? Why are we 

Behavioral Econs 101: Bargains and rip-offs, Richard Thaler and mental accounting Part 2

Behavioral Econs 101: Bargains and rip-offs, Richard Thaler and mental accounting Part 2

As part of our second installment in our Behavioral Econs 101 series(see part 1 here), we turn now to tie up some loose ends with mental accounting by discussing how behavioral economics helps us understand when we think of a deal as a bargain or 

Behavioral Econs 101: Richard Thaler and mental accounting Part 1

Behavioral Econs 101: Richard Thaler and mental accounting Part 1

Richard Thaler, the 2017 Nobel Laureate for Economics, has spent a career trying to understand individuals as they really are, idiosyncrasies, irrationalities and all and in the process founded the field of behavioral economics. In this series of short essays, we will introduce the basic